Pay What You Can is exactly what it sounds like.  For many of us alternative avenues to healing are cost prohibitive. You can attend our classes and programs and contribute what you can; from paying nothing, to a dollar, to five dollars, to twenty-two dollars and anything in between. It is our mission to provide yoga classes and wellness based education to all members of our community. Everyone is welcome at Pawling Yoga & Wellness.

Group Classes

Register for a group class to connect to community, stimulate your body, release tension, tone the nervous system. The regular rate is $22 to drop-in, with packaging options available. We ask that you pay what you have in your budget, anywhere in the range from $0 to $22.

Since February 2022 ALL of the classes on our schedule are Pay What You Can (PWYC.)

Photo by Laurie Spens

Workshops and Lectures

Wellness-based education and self development opportunities with sliding scale fees.

View our upcoming programs here.

If you don’t see a payment option within your means, please reach out to

Community Clinic

Choose from a wide array of local independent wellness practitioners at our monthly clinic to help you meet what’s going on in your body and your life. The fees vary depending on the service and practitioner. We ask that you pay what you have in your budget. Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Chiropractics, Yoga Therapy, Functional Movement Therapy, Massage Therapy, Reiki,…


Pay It Forward

Let’s pool our resources and support community members! In order to sustain and grow the community-oriented programs, flexibly priced classes and therapeutic offerings Pawling Yoga & Wellness will require annual subsidies. Our goal is to achieve this support through long-term recurring grants and annual donations.

Purchase a class or treatment for someone and add to our scholarship fund.

Pay It Forward